该圆盘犁适用于旱作区熟地或荒地的耕翻作业,特别适用于耕翻高产绿肥田及稻麦茬的回田。犁的通过性能、入土性能良好,翻土、覆盖质量能满足农业生产技术要求,且有耕作阻力小,操作调整方便等优点。 The disc plough is used for tillage on dry cultivated or fallow land, especially on high yied’s manure and virgin land. Good passability and penetration, complete inversion and coverage. Small draft resistance. Easy operation and adjustment all these satisfy the agricultural requirements of fine cultivation. 型号 1LYQ-220 1LYQ-320 1LYQ-420 重量 kg 160 200 220 耕幅 mm 400 600 800 工作效率 ha/h 0.21 0.3 0.4 配套动力 hp 18-20 20-30 35-40 犁片规格 mm 510 510 510